Hope is the thing with feathers
Today was one of those days where you get an idea to do something, and you decide you’re actually going to do it.
The weather was unexpectedly warm, mid-50s°F[1] with plenty of sunlight that made it feel warmer.
That reminded me of the birdfeeder I got last Christmas, that’s been in a box in the closet, waiting to be used.
Hold on.
Birdfeeder. Last Christmas. In a box. Waiting.
Okay, I have some excuses for not putting it up yet...
...but, today, with the weather being as nice as it was, I decided I had no excuse not to.
Since we had the day off, my boyfriend and I went out to get a shepherd’s hook and birdseed.[2]
I guess we’ll see how it goes.
I’m not feeling terribly hopeful about the coming year. So maybe it will help to have a new little project to help keep me going.
My dad has always said, “The reason we’re here is to rake the leaves.”[3]
about 12°C ↩︎
I read that birds like peppery seeds, while squirrels don’t really care for it, so I bought those kind. I personally don’t have strong feelings if squirrels eat from it, squirrels are entertaining creatures, though I know they can drain the supply pretty quickly. ↩︎
I understand the ecological benefits of natural lawns; dad-isms are spiritual rather than literal. ↩︎