All posts
- Book review: Birds of Maine
- The divine feminine urge
- Book review: Mozart’s Starling
- It’s 2025, and people are still creating groundbreaking mods for The Sims 2
- The Great Backyard Bird Count is this weekend
- Book review: Better Living Through Birding
- Heading out
- Safe and unsafe people
- Dreaming of goldfinches
- Unphotographable
- I have nothing momentous to say about the dawn of the year 2025,
- Hope is the thing with feathers
- What I want more, less, and none of in 2025
- Fixations of 2024
- Weird lyrics I heard on the radio today
- Blogging in the morning
- Giving my hands a break; or, using an SSG
- Steve Silberman died
- AI only maintains the conservative status quo
- Grinch’s lament
- About time
- Life update
- Wide awake as any stone
- As the sun is setting,
- Compassion
- La dolce vita
- The indomitable human spirit
- Let me let you in on a little secret
- Americana
- I hate to break it to you, babe
- Lost in this mysterious wonderland
- It’s not that deep
- Where is he, the man who was just like me?
- Maddalena in estasi
- The Kavorka
- They prefer illusion to despair
- I think of ghosts as metaphors for memories
- It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
- He was a freemason
- Manifest these knuckles in your face
- Taboo
- Affirmations
- On writing
- My heart should be well-schooled
- The answer is always yes...
- None the wiser
- Languages
- “In spring, the dawn”
- Fun
- A whisper of pre-autumn wind
- I’ll carry your memory like a talisman
- Please to see the King
- A ghost story
- Café notes
- Receipt doodles of the day
- 2 wheat pennies
- Highly illogical musings on beauty
- That’ll be $3.25
- 5am
- Why is your site like this?
- Delovely